• To shape the budding managers as Future Leaders of the Corporate World.
  • To become a Model Institute in Qualitative, Ethical, Social Responsive, Value-based Management Education.
  • To emerge as one of the Top Management School.


  • To shape the budding managers as Future Leaders of the Corporate World.
  • To become a Model Institute in Qualitative, Ethical, Social Responsive, Value-based Management Education.
  • To emerge as one of the Top Management School.


  • To shape the budding managers as Future Leaders of the Corporate World.
  • To become a Model Institute in Qualitative, Ethical, Social Responsive, Value-based Management Education.
  • To emerge as one of the Top Management School.


  • To shape the budding managers as Future Leaders of the Corporate World.
  • To become a Model Institute in Qualitative, Ethical, Social Responsive, Value-based Management Education.
  • To emerge as one of the Top Management School.


  • To make students learn and practice Management Principles.
  • To involve them in activity based learning, through self-motivating environment.
  • To enhance decision making skills and administrative competence of the entrants.
  • To join hands in enhancing Managerial Practices at National and Multi National Companies.
  • To make the students emulate best and next practices of the Management.


We at JNTUA School of Management Studies are committed to establish effective Teaching-Learning process with Continuous Improvement in Pedagogy and Practices to achieve The Best Management Education Standards, with involvement of all stakeholders viz., University Administration, Teachers, Secretariat Staff, Students, Industry partners and Parents.


Punctuality  Punctuality  Punctuality  Punctuality  Punctuality  


  • To shape the budding managers as Future Leaders of the Corporate World.
  • To become a Model Institute in Qualitative, Ethical, Social Responsive, Value-based Management Education.
  • To emerge as one of the Top Management School.


  • To make students learn and practice Management Principles.
  • To involve them in activity based learning, through self-motivating environment.
  • To enhance decision making skills and administrative competence of the entrants.
  • To join hands in enhancing Managerial Practices at National and Multi National Companies.
  • To make the students emulate best and next practices of the Management.


We at JNTUA School of Management Studies are committed to establish effective Teaching-Learning process with Continuous Improvement in Pedagogy and Practices to achieve The Best Management Education Standards, with involvement of all stakeholders viz., University Administration, Teachers, Secretariat Staff, Students, Industry partners and Parents.

  • 1.Hello
  • 2.Hai
  • 3.Hmm